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01/2019 Slaves Locked Up

01/2019 Slaves Locked Up

From the outside, being locked up is a bizarre fetish: I put the slave away and do .... nothing. In this guest post, I'll show you how ...

12/2019 Breath Play – The Appeal of Breath Control

Breath play as an erotic game requires a lot of trust but can lead to incredible climaxes. How do my clients experience it? Read on and find out…

01/2019 Slaves Locked Up

From the outside, being locked up is a bizarre fetish: I put the slave away and do …. nothing. In this guest post, I’ll show you how and why.

03/2017 Uniform Fetish – The Appeal of Military Clothing

When I shared photos in military uniform, I soon received a request for role play. Uniform fetish in perfection… what a session! You can find all the details here…

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