10/2019 Nipple Play, My Favorite Game
Clamps, vacuum pumps, or with your mouth: I love torturing nipples and tormenting my submissive You can find my tips for nipple play here…
08/2019 CBT and Pain to Enhance Pleasure
I get very creative when it comes to CBT: CBT is short for Cock Ball Training and is used to enhance the pleasure of submissive partners.
09/2018 Manservant of a Dominant Couple
Being a manservant to a dominant couple in 1890 has its charms. As a manservant, you are property. What the couple does with you is up to them…
12/2017 Soft SM and Golden Shower
BDSM can also be enjoyed without whip cracking and extreme bondage. Soft SM has a special charm, as does a golden shower. Read more in this session replay…
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