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11/2023 Penis Pump: Total Loss of Control

1. Klicke hier, um die deutsche Version zu lesen: 11/2023 Totaler Kontrollverlust dank Penispumpe
2. The pictures in this post are re-enacted scenes – many thanks to gorgeous fetish model Boundeagle (Yaz)!

I didn’t notice the slightest tremor in Jay’s body. He held the position I had ordered him into perfectly, even though his thighs and arm muscles had to be protesting. I figured that either somebody is frozen stiff with excitement, or a regular at the gym and used to worse pain.

I let my gaze glide over his naked body as he knelt in front of me with his eyes lowered and made my guess on the second option.

His defined muscles were beautiful to look at, but as always, I was most of all turned on by the fantasies running wild in my subject’s head. His well-trained body made me think essentially the following: You’re going to get something different from me then the usual „in and out“ that everyone else will do to you.

(Self-) control and submissiveness: there is no „right“ or „wrong“ here

His arms with the palms facing upwards stretched out towards me from the St. Andrew’s cross. Between his thighs, spread as far as they would go, dangled a cock that wasn’t quite hard yet, but was already impressive.

SM Master Andre fesselt Boundeagle die Hände zusammen. Der nackte Sub liebt dies BDSM Bondage Spielart, besonders bei einem Experten wie dem Dominus.

I like to be inspired by my play partners. And this particularly tasty specimen in front of me had already provided me with plenty of information in his application form. He had difficulty relinquishing control and letting go. He had already gathered some experience as a sub in private BDSM circles, but his way of showing devotion had not always been well received.

He didn’t seem submissive enough, was too controlled and composed when playing and wasn’t a real slave at all. When I read that, my eyes immediately rolled skywards. „Masters“ who try to manipulate their play partners by accusing them of not being „real slaves“ make me want to vomit. I think trying to control someone sexually in this way – especially without a specific arrangement and consent – is one of the most unimaginative and narrow-minded forms of gaslighting.

Letting go of control at last – a desire for total surrender

Admittedly, I was also tempted to take charge of the man kneeling stoically in front of me and ruffle up his perfect body control… but fortunately, that was exactly what I was explicitly asked to do that evening.

Mit Vorfreude präsentiert der SM Master Andre dem nackten Fetischmodel Boundeagle die Penispumpe. Andres BDSM Spielzeug liegt bereit und wartet darauf benutzt zu werden.

Jay was yearning to surrender more control in his submissive role and to be able to let go, or be made to do so. He had given me a free pass for various types of whipping and spanking instruments, but at the same time he himself doubted whether pain would lead to the result he wanted.

Good thing then, that I was going to take a completely different path than „usual“ that evening.

I relieved Jay from his stressful position and directed him, naked as he was, towards the bed. There, lying on his back, I restrained him with chains and shackles on his feet and hands. The restraints weren’t painful, but they were strong and solid enough to make it crystal clear to him that there would be no chance of escape from now on.

Instrument of pleasure or torture? The first time with the penis pump

I took out the leather bag I had placed next to the bed and pulled out the device I intended to use today to break down Jay’s defences – my beloved penis pump… I noticed the curious look on my victim’s face – after his declaration with the free pass, he had probably expected me to get out some instruments of torture for hard maso games. Well wait and see!

The principle of the penis pump is very simple – the penis of choice is inserted into a cylindrical, usually transparent container, from which the air is then sucked out automatically or by hand. This creates a vacuum around the inserted cock, which causes more blood to flow into the cock and makes it really long and hard. This works when the cock is soft or already hard and regardless of arousal. It is also used in medicine as the first means of improving erections. The swelling caused by the vacuum is stimulating and can also be painful, which can also have a stimulating effect.

Mit festem Griff packt der Dominus seinen devoten Sklaven Boundeagle an die Brust. Das devote Fetischmodel ist dem SM Master Andre nackt und im Chastity Cage ausgeliefert.

Jay carefully sucked in the air as I slowly inserted his semi-rigid cock all the way into the plastic cylinder. I reminded myself that he didn’t have much experience with toys apart from lots of dildos. As I began to slowly release the air, I was able to enjoy watching the base of Jay’s cock being pulled deeper and deeper into the cylinder and stretched further and further. His member was now growing into a stunning showpiece.

I always let my play partners look down and enjoy their surprised face at the view of their own cock, which is now a lot bigger. Conveniently, some pumps even have an extra length measurement on the side. Funnily enough, long-term enlargement of the cock can also be observed with frequent use. However, on the one hand, this goes back when you stop using it and on the other hand, the increase is only in the 5-15% range.

With further pumping, he closed his eyes and his body began to squirm a little in the restraints. To my delight, a first moan flowed from his lips. This was followed only seconds later by a blurted out „Fuck…!“ – a result that I assumed would otherwise only be achieved after 30 minutes of wanking or something similar. I was definitely on the right track here.

The vessels in his already considerably swollen cock filled with more and more blood. I carefully increased the suction power of the pump and knew that his now rock-hard part would soon turn dark red to purple in some areas – horny!

A small warning at this point: penis pumps are wonderful toys, but should be used with the appropriate caution. If you are not yet familiar with the reaction of your body or the body of the other person, you should first experiment carefully with vacuum toys and work your way up to the desired result.

In case of blood thinners and circulation problems: Tread with caution! As a rule of thumb: Red-purple discoloration is okay and not unusual, but never leave him stuck in the vacuum for longer than 30 minutes at a time. And if you experience numbness or bruising, make sure you take a longer break.

Tease and Denial: Your arousal is mine!

For the remaining three hours of our session, I made sure Jay knew that I had taken complete control of him and that there was nothing left for him to hold on to. And all without having harmed a hair on his head in the conventional sense or even touched him in any other intimate way. In contrast to the physical pain, which he was very good at blocking out, it was impossible for him to maintain control over his arousal.

Mit starkem Griff packt der Dominus dem Sklaven Boundeagle an den Arsch. Das geknebelte Fetischmodel Boundeagle wartet devot darauf, dass der SM Master Andre alle BDSM Toys an ihm ausprobiert.

However I pleased, I kept pumping his cock to the maximum, teasing and fondling it, letting him „cool down“ again and then also caressed him from time to time. His cock, his pleasure, whether he was allowed to cum or not: all of that belonged to me.

Jay had long since completely abandoned any form of restraint or self-control.

After a while, while I played with his nipples and his cock twitched in the pump when I used the massage gun on the pump and cock to trigger hard short-term vibrations, he started begging to be allowed to come. At first he begged a general god, eventually it became increasingly clear to him that it was me he had to convince.

By now he was squirming in his restraints, I could see his thighs beginning to tremble and he was once again getting closer to the orgasm he craved so much. With a smile, I released the pressure from the pump and revelled in the desperate expression written all over my living toy’s face. And again the stimulation, with pump, hands or massage gun. This is fun!

I was enjoying listening to the increasingly filthy and humiliating offers with which he was trying to persuade me to please, please let him come.

I bit into his nipples and ran my hands over the sweaty, gasping body in front of me. I told him that I was only giving him the tender version of the penis pump at this point. He should be prepared that it wouldn’t be so easy for him next time.

Permanently hard and permanently horny – with no way out

I whispered in his ear how I could keep his cock permanently hard with the help of the pump – regardless of whether he had come, or whether he still wanted to be aroused, or whether it hurt – he wouldn’t be able to resist a bit. I would also make his dick grow bigger long-term and train him to be my slave stud who I would use as living fucking machine for other clients.

Sanft aber bestimmt drückt der Dominus das nackte Fetischmodel Boundeagle auf den Boden. Gefesselt und mit Nibbelklemmen versehen wartet der devote Sklave darauf, was sein SM Master Andre mit ihm vorhat.

This fantasy (not unrealistic, by the way) made the man twitching in front of me even hornier and when I finally showed mercy, Jay exploded. An impressive amount of cum ran glistening down his cock and to his balls, also forming a cute little puddle on his stomach. Meanwhile, Jay was screaming out his orgasm so unrestrained that I was glad to be in a professional studio with wall insulation.

Having gained the knowledge that he was perfectly capable of losing control – as long as he was handled the right way – a clearly „real“ submissive, a grateful client and, above all, a very happy man left my studio that evening. Mission accomplished.

By the way: The female equivalent is the pussy pump. Here’s some feedback on that toy from my play partner S.:

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