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02/2024 Meeting THE Dominus

Feedback to an exclusive D/S couple session

Recently, the dominus had an exclusive BDSM session with a dom and sub couple. Read the original session report written from the sub’s perspective below or click – here – to read the German translation.


Meeting THE Dominus

Recently, Master and I were in Berlin where we had the honor of meeting THE Dominus, Master André. As usually Master loves to keep me in the dark about whom we are meeting and when we are meeting other Doms or subs. This was also the case recently. So maybe two hours before we would meet the Dominus, Master told me about the meeting.

But not only that, also that we were invited at his place and that I was expected to cook and serve dinner for the two Doms. This made me nervous as hell. Cooking for another Master is always a challenge cause so many things can go wrong but it is even more of a challenge, when you don’t know what things you will find in the kitchen etc. So I decided to set for a quite simple meal and took everything I would need to the place, even salt and napkins.

Luckily I knew the favorite sparkling wine of the Dominus, so I could purchase a bottle as a guest present for him. We have met the Dominus once and it was a very nice meeting. It was an honor that he wanted to see us again. So only two hours later we arrived at the place of the Dominus and there he was already waiting for us at the door in full leather outfit and boots. A sight for the gods – what a Man!

Master had ordered me to pack some toys also, cause he wanted the host to decide how I would be treated. The Dominus made it quite clear that he expected me to be naked and cuffed, but not collared. That meant that I was not in „High protocol“ and could be more active part of the conversation.


The atmosphere was incredible

We started in the dining room of the apartment. Master and the Dominus as the two Doms sitting at the table both in leather and boots and I naked at their feet on a small fur carpet. There I was looking up to those two real Men and hearing their conversation, sometimes taking part in it, especially when being asked questions, and serving drinks and food.

It is actually kind of hard and easy to describe the place of the Dominus at the same time. It is a huge place and it is probably the most stylish place you will ever have seen. Everything looks great, of sheer elegance, good and exquisite taste. Invert lights, beautiful decor etc. A place for a true Lord, so also very fitting for a Dominus. And in between everywhere signs of BDSM, also added with great taste, for example one could see a golden collar, handcuffs or leash in a picture frame.


I also had to cook for the Doms. As I didn’t know what to find in the kitchen I packed everything and served an easy meal. I was kind of nervous cooking in the Dominus kitchen. But luckily everything went well and the two Doms seemed pleased with dinner, so I really was relieved. I actually couldn’t eat because of the presence of the two Doms, I was totally focused on them and not hungry at all.

After dinner Master and the Dominus went with me to another room. There where two huge throne like chairs and another huge fur carpet in the middle. This was an incredible hot sight. The two leather Doms sitting on the thrones and the naked slave in front of them on the floor. The Dominus asked my Master if He could unlock me, so that he would see my slavedick. Master did so.

Then the Dominus ordered me to play with my slavenipples. This is a very uncommon order for me cause I am not allowed usually to play with my slavenipples, but they usually get worked on by my Master a lot. It was a very hot command and situation. There I was playing with my slavenipples, my slavecock getting hard.

Totally vulnerable and exposed in front of two leather Doms who were watching me and sipping on their sparkling wine and enjoying the show. Nowhere to hide from them. Later I was also allowed to worship and lick the boots of the Dominus. He wore Wescos. Next to riding boots my favorite boots!


Time for some conversation

The conversation covered many different topics. The Dominus was interested in our D/s relationship. How we maintain it in everyday life, how certain aspects work out etc. I told the Dominus that for me living in a D/s relationship was much easier than living in a vanilla relationship. No discussions on who is cleaning, cooking etc. And I told him that I would have no idea how to start sex in a vanilla relationship, it is so much clearer in a D/s relationship. That seemed to amuse the Dominus.

We also talked a lot about his work as Dominus and especially his engagement for the rights and the situation of sex workers. I really admired his passion in this topic and that he puts so much energy in protecting the rights of sex workers. I also admire his profession. Professional Masters provide a safe space for submissives to explore and experience their fantasies, which is great.


What else can I tell about the Dominus?

He definitely has a strong presence. He is a real Dom and when you see him, when you are near him, you can feel this presence and want to go on your knees immediately. He also is a very good man to talk to. And what I really love about him is his voice. Just listening to his voice no matter what he says makes you feel submissive, protected and feeling safe. I can imagine how his voice alone must have great impact on slaves during a session!

Later in the evening we left. I cleaned the table, put everything into the dishwasher and took all the waste with us. I didn’t want to burden the Dominus with waste of the dinner, he should not have to do any work with it. It was great and wonderful evening. I like those evening just being in the presence of the Doms, being at their feet and being of service to them.

And if you think about meeting the Dominus professionally, from what I have seen and experienced I would totally recommend it!


For anyone who’s be interested to read more from this lovely couple, take a look at their personal blog „The BDSM Lifestyle“ or their social media accounts.

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